Winter photography tips, hints and ideas

3 wonderful ideas for winter photography!

Winter is the most wonderful time of year – especially for photographers. As the snow starts to fall, don’t let the cold weather stop you from getting outside and making the most of the beautiful scenery. The great thing about wintertime is that there are endless ideas to experiment with in order to create some stunning photographs. Here, we’ll run you through some of our favourite concepts for the cold and give you the tips and techniques you’ll need to capture them.

1) Work with the natural winter light

A frosty morning can provide you with some incredible natural lighting to set the scene with. The low-light of a winter’s day can be the perfect backdrop to whichever subject you choose to snap, and a light dusting of frost can turn almost any object into a photo that grabs your attention. When it comes to deciding what will make the perfect picture, how about looking to nature? Frost-covered trees, cobwebs and even leaves can make for idyllic images. Snow and frost can reflect back to your camera, which could mean the scene you want to capture ends up underexposed, leaving a tint to the image. 

To avoid this, you may need to have a play around with adding more exposure and configuring the histogram on your DSLR. The histogram is a graph that, when displayed on your camera, will show you how well exposed your picture is. Ideally, a good shot will have the graph on your histogram touching both sides of the screen.   

2) Make a scene with frozen water

Fancy getting creative? Then how about experimenting with shots of frozen lakes, rivers and other bodies of water? An icy pond or even a puddle can cast a reflection that can split your scene in two, mirroring your landscape and in turn making for a really great picture.

3) Let it snow

In any case, to get some of the best images of wintertime, you’ll have to get your skates on. You don’t have to take that literally though. When it comes to taking pictures that really capture the beauty of a snow shower, then you’ll need to be out there while the white stuff is still falling. The sight of snow brings out the fun in many of us, so you’ll need to be out there early if you want to photograph an untouched blanket of snow. When composing your scene, remember to manage your exposure settings and overexpose if you want to get the essence of pure, white snow. A nice tip is to try and create a contrast your snowy scene with people in brightly coloured coats or scarves for instance. As a snow day can bring out the child in us all, it’s nice to add a human element to a winter landscape.

If you’re going to be out in the cold, the make sure you wrap up warm! This might sound pretty obvious, but make sure you have plenty of layers on before you venture out into chilly conditions. The thought of spoiling a perfect shot because of a mistimed and cold-induced shudder should be enough to convince you to dress suitably for an afternoon of photography.

Tips to protect your kit at winter

Once winter starts to roll around the corner, those among us who are fanatical photographers might just be keeping an eye peeled for the early signs of snow. If the idea of heading out to capture some of the most picturesque scenes that nature has to offer appeals to you, then you may need to keep your costly camera kit protected.

When you’re out in the snow, make sure you pack the accessories you need to make the most of your winter scene. For the freezing temperatures, you may need a tripod to steady the camera while you’re taking your shot – particularly if you’ve lined up a quaint landscape of a frozen lake for example. Lens cloths and other cleaning materials may also come in handy to wipe away any dirt or moisture from your lens, as will a rain cover to keep your camera dry. Your camera’s batteries can also lose charge faster in the cold weather, so it may also be worth keeping a spare set on you before you head out.

While the drop in temperature brings more opportunities to get creative with your camera, it can also lead to an increased risk of something going wrong while you snap. At photoGuard, we’re serious about providing cover to photographers of all abilities. Our protection can be applied to DSLR’s, video, active and many other forms of camera, as well as tripods and other accessories that you might own. If you’re interested in covering your equipment against the worst that can happen, take a look at our policies here and get a quote from us today.

