Margot Raggett's favourite shots from Remembering Wildlife 

Comments from Margot: I am delighted at the breadth and quality of images we've been able to use in our books and incredibly grateful that the photographers have been so generous in allowing us to use their work for free. My ambition for these books is each time to make the most beautiful tribute to a species that's ever been seen, and I think with images like these to work with, we've been able to make that ambition a reality AND raise serious amounts of money for the conservation of these species at the same time. So far, the first two books have now raised more than £315,000 for projects in Africa and Asia.


This image is of what is believed to be the largest tusker left in Africa, known as Tim. It was taken by Federico Veronesi who also donated our cover image for Remembering Elephants. Tim represents for me all those tuskers who went before, which because of the poaching of the elephants with the largest tusks, are rarely seen nowadays. He is a symbol of what mankind has done and an echo of the past.


This image by Marsel van Oosten of an elephant at sunset on the top of Victoria Falls is absolutely mesmerising. I remember staring at it for hours in our exhibition for Remembering Elephants just wishing I had wall space big enough to buy the print (which eventually auctioned for over £2000 for the cause). It makes you pinch yourself to remember there are scenes out there as beautiful as this still.


I just love the expression and athleticism of this baby orangutan in this picture by Suzi Eszterhas. We talk about how young orangutans have to be able to cling on to their mothers in the introduction to Remembering Great Apes and this image is the perfect illustration of that!


Male silverback gorillas lose their chest hair in adulthood which allows them to make a magnificent noise when they chest thump. This action is caught so well in this amazing image by Andy Biggs, we were thrilled to be able to include it.

I randomly met Keith Connelly, the photographer behind this image, at the airstrip for Greystoke Mahale in Tanzania in the week he arrived to take this image. I was leaving, and he was just arriving for his stay and I was dreadfully jealous of the magical experience he had ahead of him there. I was still weighing up whether the next book would concentrate on apes at that point and when I saw him post this image of Figaro, who I met too during my stay, I just knew I'd want to use it if we went ahead with the book. Such a beautiful picture taken in a place that I love!

elephant calf

Ross Couper's image of a baby elephant completely melted my heart from the moment I saw it. The baby is just so tiny and so vulnerable, stretching up with its little trunk. You just want to pick it up and cuddle it! Mind you, I love baby elephants so much (who doesn't?!) that I would have filled the whole of Remembering Elephants with images of them if my editor hadn't been firm with me!

elephant in sand

I knew this stunning image by Peter Delaney from a while back and as soon as I started work on Remembering Elephants I knew I wanted to include it. I tracked down Peter and explained that I had this idea of a book I wanted to put together and please would he consider letting me use it? Thankfully he could see the potential in what I was talking about and put his faith in me by saying yes. This is still one of my all-time favourite elephant images.


Keith Connelly was also the photographer behind this image of a crash of rhinos (the collective name for a group of rhinos is a crash) and this was one of the standout images from the Remembering Rhinos exhibition last year. The sheer power and magnificence of the rhinos is shown so beautifully here, it is one of the best group shots I've ever seen.

rhino calf

The inclusion of this image of a baby rhino who has been named as Tank was one of those fortuitous last-minute opportunities that come along sometimes. We were close to the completion of Remembering Rhinos and were missing a birthing sequence of the type we'd managed to track down for Remembering Elephants. And then one day I spotted a Facebook post by a lady called Ayesha Cantor in South Africa, who I was friends with but whom I'd never met. She had posted pictures of newborn Tank saying it had literally happened in the last few hours at her reserve. I messaged her saying we were on deadline but would squeeze them in if she could get them to me that night and she did! I love it when things like that happen, it was meant to be.

rhino reflection

This image by Andrew Aveley has everyone turning the book upside down whenever they see it and I have to politely explain it is a reflection and therefore the right way up! I like it when an image challenges us and I also like the mysteriousness of this shot, representing the night-time lives of rhinos which we rarely see.

